Jonathan Claviere
Hi, My name is Jonathan.
The discipline I teach is called Savate, a very efficient martial art from France which is very close to Kickboxing.
It was developped mainly for self defense but it will give you a very large pannel of possibilities. You can practice Savate for fitness as much as for competitive purpose (there is a growing federation of French boxing in England) or to complement you own sport diet with a very demanding yet very relaxing practice. It is a gentleman's sport with an aim toward the control of mind, body and soul. It is obviously open for women as much as men and classes will be adapted to the needs of each student.
Individual classes can be booked directly with me and have a standard rate of 24 £ per session. A session is generally 1h30 min and include a warm up, technical training, core muscling and fitness, a warm down based on Yoga and relaxation exercices and a lot of tips (from nutrition to fighting techniques). Group classes can be aranged and prices will depend of the size of the group. Get in touch with me and we will discuss it together with your needs.
Equipment is minimal and won't be requested for the first class.
Hope to see you soon and ready to learn this wonderful sport and art i have been practicing since 1996.
Good life until then
PS: I am learned in other martial arts i have been practicing since i am 5 so classes can be adapted to your correction or complement perfectly any previous training you might have.
Last login: 13 years 10 weeks ago
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