Introduction to Yoga Course
Introduction to Yoga Course
with Various teachers
The Intro to Yoga Course aims to share the underlying principles of yoga and to lead you through the basic poses. You will become familiar with using your breath in both posture work and meditation. Classes are taught by a number of our teachers to help you explore the various “styles” of yoga (Hatha, Iyengar, Ashtanga Yoga). On completion of the Intro to Yoga Course you will have a much clearer idea of which form(s) of yoga suit you and what to expect from classes.
For more information or to book visit,
Or contact [email protected], 0117 924 4414
Restorative Yoga
Restorative Yoga
with Morven Hamilton
Restorative Yoga is gentle on the body, whilst providing all of the benefits of a complete yoga practice. In poses which are supported by props such as bolsters, blankets and blocks,and with slow, focused movements, the body has a chance to feel the form of the poses and build better body awareness. This nurturing, healing form of yoga is suitable for those who wish to relax centre themselves, those who have suffered an injury and anyone who needs relief from the pressures of modern life.
How to book:
These are drop-in sessions - No need to pre-book.
Yo-Go with the Flow
Yo~Go with the Flow Vinyasa Fusion
with Vinnett
We are delighted to be offering this new class with Vinnett. This Thursday night feast is influenced by the flow and heat of the Ashtanga practice with the unlocking of kundalini energy. Through these practices we increase our coordination, self-esteem, strength and ease tension in both the mind and body.
Vinnett’s generous attention to detail gifts all of the senses; expect poetry, music, candles and fragrance. Vinnett guides us into a moving meditation, yoking the mind, body and spirit, in a flowing dynamic approach. ~ Trust the process ~ Commit to the flow
“Calling all you hungry hearts,
everywhere through endless time
You who wonder, you who thirst.
So bring your laughter, bring your tears, your busy lives and your careers.
Bring the pain you have carried for years
All is welcome here”
Mindfulness and Insight Course
Mindfulness & Insight Course
with Mark Dunn
If you suffer from stress, anxiety, or mood swings or if you just want to learn how to feel happier and more content then Mindfulness is for you.
This six week course includes the key aspects of Mindfulness: meditation and enquiry. These techniques are very simple yet have profound impacts on our lives when we start to put them into action. In each class we will start by practicing simple meditation techniques that help us to step out of our thinking minds and back into the present moment. A regular practice of Mindfulness meditation, even only 10 minutes a day, increases our feelings of happiness and contentment throughout our day and reduces our negative reactions to 'stressful' events.
After meditating we will explore the types of thoughts that cause us to feel stress and learn to use enquiry to turn negative, painful thinking into positive patterns that enhance our daily lives and leave us feeling relaxed and enthusiastic.
Each 90 minute session will focus on a different aspect of Mindfulness and will include discussion and feedback about your own experiences. You will be fully supported to develop a practice that works for you.
Week 1: Being mindful of our breath. Enquiry into the causes of stress.
Week 2: Deeper breath awareness. From frustration to peace.
Week 3: Body awareness. Letting go of worry and anxiety.
Week 4: Deeper body awareness. Letting go of guilt and regret.
Week 5: Mindfulness on the go. Understanding addictive patterns.
Week 6: Positive Meditation. Managing self-judgements
For more information or to book visit,
Or contact [email protected], 0117 924 4414
Alignment based practice to create physical and mental stability.
Pilates Course
Pilates Course
with Celia Stubbs
Pilates is remarkably effective and medically-approved. Great for toning and strengthening, it can help to relieve back problems created by a lack of core strength. It is of a holistic nature, being based upon a well-constructed philosophical foundation. Central to the Method is 'awareness of your own body' and each and every exercise is built around its eight basic principles:
Stamina and Concentration
Flowing Movements
By working on the deep architectural structure of the body, 'core stability' is achieved, and then maintained, through increasingly complex movement sequences. Specific problem-areas can be targeted by an exercise, but always in relation to the rest of one's body.
For more information or to book visit,
Or contact [email protected], 0117 924 4414
Baby Massage
A six-week course for parents and their babies from birth to crawling.
This course provides an opportunity for intimacy, positive touch, playful interaction and bonding with your baby. Leonie provides an easy-going, baby-centred environment for joyful and relaxed parent-infant interaction as well an opportunity to share and connect with other parents.
Throughout the course you will learn a step-by-step oiled massage sequence to use at home with your baby. My aim is to help you gain confidence with your intuitive touch and support your baby to feel secure and confident also.
As well as baby massage, each class will allow some time for gentle postnatal yoga, a baby yoga sequence and some age appropriate developmental support. We go at a pace that supports you and your baby so I allow plenty of time for questions and recapping the massage sequence.
The yoga:
Baby yoga is a dynamic and fun extension of baby massage. It offers quality physical stimulation through rhythmical movement and stretches, new ideas for holding and carrying your baby and playful communication through rhymes and song. Postnatal yoga offers you creative ways to exercise whilst being with your baby. It promotes healing and recovery after giving birth and offers you a chance to unwind and resource yourself.
Babies of any age up to crawling are welcome. Massage oil is provided. Please bring a towel for your baby to lie on. Space for prams is very limited.
“I now massage Heidi before bath- she just loves the touch and it’s our most calm and precious time together.” Sophie
“The massage really helped us through those early weeks of colic and general grizzliness.” Ellie
"I watched Toby transform from a tiny, wriggly creature into a relaxed divine being before my eyes!" Anna
Benefits include:
* Boosts the immune system
* Stimulates circulation
* Improves digestion
* Reduces colic symptoms
* Helps muscle tone
* Stimulates circulation
* Aids co-ordination
* Support physical and mental development
* Relieves teething pains
* Calms the nervous system
* Aids restful sleep
* Improves parent’s ability to read babies cues
* Enjoyable for parents and babies
Mum-Baby Yoga Classes
Mum and Baby Yoga
with Laura Gilmore
A chance for mum and baby to enjoy the benefits of yoga and interact in a joyful way. Mums benefit from postures to aid postnatal recovery, alongside deep relaxation techniques. Babies development is supported every step of the way with suitable yoga poses, songs and movement. Baby yoga relieves common ailments such as colic, wind, constipation, develops muscle tone and co-ordination and promotes deep sleep.
Classes are taught in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere with the understanding that sometimes babies just need to feed, cuddle or sleep whilst others crave lots of physical stimulation and the chance to practice their latest developmental skills. The yoga is suitable for beginners as well as those with more experience and is a safe and appropriate form of exercise for the postnatal period.
Please bring a blanket for your baby to lie on. We have large blankets for softness, but prefer these to be covered with baby's own for hygiene reasons. All the yoga equipment is provided.
"My baby seems to sleep better on the night after a class, as well as having a good sleep straight afterwards" Camille, mother of Savigne, 5 months.
"You helped me to remember that I need to look after myself, I feel much better after the class." Helen, mother of Harriet, 4 months.
"The soothing techniques help to settle Emily and often send her off to sleep" Sarah mother of Emily, 3 months.
Hatha Yoga
Combining postures and breath-work to strengthen and relax the body and to calm the mind. This method of yoga is deeply connected to its roots in India working with the physical body in combination with breath awareness for relaxation and complete wellbeing. Hatha yoga is one of the most accessible traditions for complete beginners. Suitable for those wanting a physical workout alongside a calming, meditative approach.
Ashtanga Yoga
The most physically challenging form of yoga, this flowing sequence of postures is threaded together on the breath. The practice is designed to cleanse and purify the physical body and nervous system in preparation for the practices of meditation and pranayama. The specific features of this practice are the continued awareness of breath to carry you in a "vinyasa" system throughout the practice. This gives a meditative quality to the movement: over time the breath itself carries you through the postures. The practitioner learns to use specific energetic locks or "bandhas" to stimulate movement of energy through the body and to focus the mind by engaging specific focal points for the eyes ("drishti").
Ashtanga Vinyasa is traditionally taught as a 6 day a week practice with classes in the early morning. This is a way of transforming your life, your energy levels, your physique and your mind- creating stillness through breath awareness.
We provide classes for all levels
Pregnancy Yoga
Pregnancy Yoga
with Laura Gilmore
These classes provide a nurturing, supportive environment for pregnant women to share and embrace their journey through pregnancy to motherhood. Yoga during this time prevents and remedies common problems you may experience such as backache and restricted breath.
You will work according to your own energy levels and need to maintain strength and fitness during pregnancy. The practices allow the body to open gently, to release physical tension and to recognise and work through emotional fears in preparation for birth. Through the practice you will become more in tune with your own body and breath and learn how to use these skills towards a positive, empowering birth experience.
Students may begin course at anytime from week 13 of pregnancy.
Pre-booking is essential.
You may start this course on the Sunday of your choice.
You then commit to 8 consecutive weeks from that date.
Classes must be taken consecutively to avoid over-subscription
"The pregnancy yoga classes were certainly the best thing that I did for myself whilst pregnant. Not only did the sciatic-type pain that had been dogging me for months disappear, but the warm nurturing at the classes really touched me each week. It was a protected space to slow down and connect with my experience, myself and my baby. I often felt quite close to tears by the end of the classes, having opened up to the daunting and amazing reality that I was pregnant! So thankyou! I'm so glad I stumbled upon your classes, which you, in particular, made so right for me in a weird and wonderful time." Jael
How to book:
Pay online by visiting
Pay cash/cheque in studio or post a cheque to Bristol City Yoga to 16 Backfields Land, BS2 8QW. On the back of each cheque please write your full name, contact details and your chosen course/workshop. Please make cheques payable to Bristol City Yoga.