Linda Matthews

Painting & drawing in all media practitioner

Based in
Norwich, United Kingdom
Also teaches in France, Italy
Linda Matthews | Painting & drawing in all media practitioner

Rates: Private £25 per hour. Group workshop from £250 per day, demonstration from £100

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Linda works from her studio in the beautiful Norfolk Broads in the East of England, her studio and gallery are open to visit year round. Working as a full time professional artist for eight years, and teaching for six. Linda’s art courses & Holidays, in the U.K, France & Italy are structured with demonstrations, tuition & critiques.

Linda works and teaches in most media to a professional level. Her teaching is based on building confidence and having fun, as well as passing on her knowledge of the technical side of drawing, painting and materials. She believes building peoples confidence is the most important attribute you can have as a tutor.

Feeling it is important that she does not teach people to paint in her style. She sees her task as to plant seeds and inspire. allowing her pupils develop their own style. It is important to teach tone, colour- mixing, perspective and form, but then to know how not to do it too.

Clients have described Linda’s work as being influenced by the French Impressionists.Her inspirations come from everything. She says “I believe wherever you look there is a painting, working outside “En Plein Air” is the best experience ever. you cannot help but to produce loose fresh work and on a weeks holiday collate happy memories far more meaninigful than a holiday snap”.

Linda is really looking forward to working with “Il Collaccio” in promoting the area around Preci, to draw in new visitors.

Linda knows that her previous careers have made her inquisitive of the makings of paints and paper and the confidence to talk to all types of people. Along with the ability to plan and conduct lessons. Her pupils range from 7 years old to 87 years and all abilities.She instructs at weekly classes, along with one day, weekend or week long courses or private tuition at her studio, and travels around the country demonstrating to art groups.

Linda’s “Teach Your Staff to Relax & Increase their Observational Skills through Watercolour” is an excellent corporate day, or friends day out.

She also demonstrates for Chroma Atelier Interactive Acrylics, “a new way of working with acrylics”

Linda has recently undertaken a series of lectures for the Norfolk Arts Partnership and Norfolk County Council, to other professional Artists thinking of setting up courses regarding planning, promoting and conducting art courses. Recognising the importance of “the Arts” contribution to the tourism industry.
Travelling widely to undertake commissions for commercial and private clients, Linda will also work on exclusive site-specific designs for brochures, greeting, postcards and notebooks. Linda’s work is for sale in galleries around Britain, along with her cards, prints and notebooks.


Aimed at: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.


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Last login: 12 years 23 weeks ago

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