Lucy Potter

hatha yoga teacher

Based in
Hampton, Greater London, United Kingdom
Also teaches in Hampton, St. Margaret's, Teddington, twickenham and richmond

Make an enquiry Phone: 07903004838

I am a fully qualified and insured dance and yoga teacher with many years of teaching experience. I am also a practiictioner of Sports and Holistic Massage. I hold a Level 3 VTCT Diploma in Management of Activity Sports Injuries.
I trained as a dancer at Elmhurst Ballet School and Arts Educational and worked professionally in theatre, TV and film for seventeen years.
I qualified as a Hatha Yoga teacher with the British School of Yoga in 2001 and have a passion for teaching ata all levels.

Group Classes


Taught by ex West End professional dancers, Lucy Potter and Heather Craig.
Have fun and get fit dancing to infectious Latin and world music!
No experience necessary. All welcome aged 16 and over. Fun, easy to follow routines that will trim your waistline, legs and hips and improve your co-ordination and cardiovascular fitness.
Follow this up with Hatha Yoga, the perfect cool down, for just £4 extra!

It's a: 
Teddington Methodist Church
1 Stanley Road, Teddington TW 11, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
Every Saturday at 10:30 - 11:30am
£7 drop in

Hatha Yoga

General level Hatha Yoga class. Beginners welcome.
This class combines pranayama (breath work) with flowing asanas (postures) and challenging balances to leave you feeling relaxed yet energised.

It's a: 
Teddingtin Methodist Church
1 Stanley Road, Middlesex, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
Every Saturday 11:30- 12:30
£7 drop in

Educational history

Diploma in Dance

September, 1986 - July, 1989
Arts Educational, Chiswick


September, 1980 - July, 1986
Elmhurst Ballet School


Aimed at: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.


24 hr cancellation fees apply for all one to one sessions and home visits.
In the event that any pre-paid class is cancelled you will offered a re-imbursement or replacement class.

Make an enquiry Phone: 07903004838

Last login: 11 years 44 weeks ago

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