Malachy O'Connor
Sifu Malachy O’Connor is a senior student of Master Darryl Moy and has been studying Taijiquan and Qigong for over 15 years.
After starting university in Manchester, Malachy had already studied other martial art on and off for years, but it wasn’t until he found Master Moy’s class and began studying Chen Taijiquan that he found a skill he would dedicate his time and energy to truly trying to master.
Malachy has spent many years studying with his Sifu and now that he has moved from Manchester to London, has also had the opportunity to regularly study with his Sigong and founder of the Tse Qigong Centre, Master Michael Tse. During this time, he has been able to study Taijiquan, Qigong and also Wing Chun Kung Fu with his Sifu and Sigong and even had the chance to travel with them to China to meet his Wing Chun Taisigong, Grandmaster Ip Chun.
Malachy is a qualified instructor with the Tse Qigong Centre in both Chen style Taijiquan and Kunlun Dayan Qigong. In starting his own classes, he aims to help develop and spread these traditional Chinese skills and help other benefit from both the health and self defense skills they bring.
One-to-one lessons
Group Classes
Beckenham Dayan Qigong and Chen Taijiquan
Class prices
Non-members: £12 for one class / £22 for two classes
Members: £11 for one class / £20 for two classes
Students who wish to continue studying after three classes must register as members of the Tse Qigong Centre. Membership is £25 per year. Once membership is taken, students will receive a discounted rate on all classes and seminars
Last login: 5 years 23 weeks ago
Web links
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