Mark Gibbens

Website Design and Folk Music teacher

Based in
Hillsborough, United Kingdom
Also teaches in Rotherham, Sheffiield, Stocksbridge

Rates: £33.50/hour, £22/hour or skill-share

Make an enquiry

I'm Mark and I'm a freelance web developer and consultant based in Hillsborough, North Sheffield. In my spare time, I enjoy playing music (mainly European folk on recorder and bagpipes) cycling and walking.

I run my own Website Development agency, Seedling Media, and am happy to teach anyone anything that I know. Seedling Media work with a network of freelancers and other small agencies, so some of the people I teach and share skills with we end up employing as developers and designers.

Our approach is particularly good for people just starting out, either making a website for themselves or hoping to get into web design as a career. I learned most of what I do at Access Space, and have built my skills and business on recycled computer hardware and free, open-source software.

So, whatever your level, if you're looking to pick up some skills in web design or interested in leveraging the amazing freedom, power and sustainability of open-source software and recycled hardware, I'd love to help.

Also, given that I simultaneously run a business, keep up lots of interests and volunteering, and make time for my wife and kids, I've learned a thing or two about time management--something else I'm happy to share. In particular, I've picked up some good techniques (and can recommend good books) for time management from the perspective of freelancing, IT work, balancing work and family life.

I can travel to you, if you're within easy cycling distance (about 10 miles) of Hillsborough, and I can also help you out online via Skype or MSN. If you can get into Access Space free media lab in Sheffield, I can provide some free help and guidance through my pro bono work there.

Educational history

Performing Arts with Business Management and IT, BA Hons.

September, 1995 - July, 1998
University of Manchester
Graduated with 2:1


Aimed at: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.
Online teaching offered


£33.50/hour is my full commercial rate for face-to-face teaching and support. My rate for online support is just £22/hour. And I can also give some help for free through my involvement with Access Space.

Last login: 13 years 19 weeks ago

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