Max Milligan

guitar teacher

Based in
Bedford, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Also teaches in Bedford and London ICMP
Max Milligan | guitar teacher

Rates: £17 half hour £32 Hour £49 Beginners Courses £59 holiday rock courses for teens prices subject to change

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Max Milligan LLCM (TD)over 30 years of profgessional gigging , studio and teaching experience. Senior tutor at The Guitar Instutute (ICMP) London and teacher and examiner for Registry Guitar Tutors.
Runs Guitar School at The Music Centre Bedford offering private tuition , guitar lessons, rock schools, beginners guitar courses and performance workshops.

Group Classes

Rock School

Fot those guitarists who have already had some guitar tuition this course will get you playing rock classics and playing with other musicians of your age, previous artists covered include Greenday, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, ACDC, Hendrix, spaces. Not suitable for absolute beginners.

It's a: 
The Music Centre Bedford
tavistock st bedford, Beds, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
SchoolHols easter and summer
£59 for course (subject to change)

Absolute beginers guitar course

Learn the basics form a professional teacher >Electric or Acoustic,Ages 10 to adult -no upperlimit!

It's a: 
The Music Centre Bedford
tavistock st bedford, beds, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
Jan April July AUg sept
£49 for 5 week course one evening per week


Aimed at: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.

Last login: 12 years 35 weeks ago

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