Michael Payne

Irish Dancing instructor

Based in
North London, London, United Kingdom
Also teaches in London north

Rates: £5 per class (typically lasting 1 hour)

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I am a 23 year old male living in North London. I am currently teaching Mathematics in a secondary school.

I am also a qualified Irish dancing instructor, holding classes for children (4+) and adults.

Classes available: Beginners solo class, adult ceili class (group dancing).

Group Classes

Adult ceili classes - No experience needed!!!

Everyone is welcome. No previous experience necessary.

It's a: 
Church in the Orchard
Grange Park, North London, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
Every Monday (school term time) at 7.30pm
£5 per hour

Irish dance classes - beginners solo classes for children

Classes taken by a qualified irish dancing instructor with a TCRG qualification.
Students are required to pay class fees a half term in advance.

It's a: 
Church in the Orchard
Grange Park, North London, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
Every Monday (in school term time) at 6.30pm
£5 per hour



Aimed at: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.


Students are required to pay a £5 registration fee annually (every September) which goes towards the Payne Academy's membership to the irish dancing professional body.
Students are required to pay class fees on a half termly basis.

Last login: 14 years 17 weeks ago

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