Rae S

Dynamic Yoga teacher

Based in
London, United Kingdom
Also teaches in In and around London.
Rae S | Dynamic Yoga teacher

Rates: £8 - £12 (drop in)

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Rae is a fully certified yoga teacher from a dance background holding regular Dynamic Flow classes across London. She began practicing Hot Bikram Yoga, then Hatha, before discovering Astanga. She now teaches a dynamic class integrating various styles of yoga. Yoga has had a profound effect on her physically, mentally, and spirtually and she is passionate about continually deepening her study and sharing the benefits of yoga. The whole emphasis, and practice of Rae's style of yoga is to challenge the practitioner to experience a transformation. This happens by starting from where you are, and steadily building to a place that allows you to authentically experience the yogic rewards of being stronger, more supple, relaxed and focused, as well as maintaining a positive mental attitude. She inspires you to take your practice to the next level whilst reminding you that yoga is union - not battle and certainly not competition. Each practitioner can adapt, modify, and make each posture (asana,) and each part of the practice thier own until they feel comfortable enough to move away from the alternative postures and flow naturally into the more advanced asanas. You work at your own level of ability, fitness level and simply do what you can until you blossom. To create a moving meditation is at the heart of Rae's Dynamic Flow yoga classes. It is a holistic practice set to yoga rhythms leaving you energized, centered, and glowing. Commitment and focus are the primary keys as she encourages you to come and tear down your mental barriers, tone and sculpt your ideal body, open your heart, and unleash your true power from within. Her experience and qualifications include 6 day a week self - practice with pranayama and meditation, Hot Bikram Yoga, Hatha/Astanga Yoga, BSY Diploma (Hatha), BSY Diploma (Astanga). Afilliation(s) with accrediting organisations include graduate member of the BSY Group, Independent Yoga Network and The Yoga Register. She is a Yoga Register Teacher (YRT) and a dedicated practitioner. Influences and teachers include Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, B.K.S. Iyengar, Shakta Kaur Khalsa, Kia Meaux, Raphan - Laye Kebe, Kino Macgregor, Seane Corn, David Swenson, Elaine Blackshaw and Sarah Martin. Rae dances for fun regularly and enjoys singing as a working hobby when she is not in the yoga studio.

Group Classes

Dynamic Flow Yoga

Cover yoga teacher for Abbs Cross

It's a: 
Abbs Cross Health & Fitness Centre
Hornchurch, Essex, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
Tuesday evenings 8.30pm - 9.30pm (On call)

Dynamic Flow Yoga

Cover yoga teacher

It's a: 
Iford Fitness First
Iford, Essex , United Kingdom
Date and time: 

Dynamic Flow Yoga

Cover teacher (on call)

It's a: 
Redbridge Sports & Leisure Centre
Redbridge, Essex , United Kingdom
Date and time: 
Mon 10.30am - 12noon/Tues 6.30 - 7.30

Dynamic Flow Yoga

Cover teacher for Raphan Laye Kebe

It's a: 
Pineapple Dance Studios
Covent Garden, London, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
On call Friday lunchtimes 13.00 - 14.00
£8.00 drop in + daily membership

Dynamic Flow Yoga

Cover teacher (on call)

It's a: 
Romford Fitness First
Romford, Essex, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
Saturday 11.45 - 13.00

Dynamic Flow Yoga

Cover (list) teacher

It's a: 
Yoga Place
Bethnal Green, London E.2, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
On call
£8.00 - £10.00 drop in

Educational history

BSYA (Astanga)

April, 2010
British School of Yoga
Ongoing study - BSYA (Astanga) Diploma recognised by REP (Register of Exercise Professionals) Rae is also a Yoga Register Teacher (YRT) and a member of the Independent Yoga Network (IYN)

BSY (Hatha)

May, 2009 - February, 2010
British School of Yoga
BSY (Hatha) Diploma/Qualification recognised by REP Register of Exercise Professionals. Rae is also a Yoga Register teacher (YRT) and a member of the Independent Yoga Network (IYN)


Aimed at: Beginner and Intermediate.

Last login: 12 years 15 weeks ago

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