Roland McMorran

art tutor

Based in
Hereford, Herefordshire, United Kingdom
Also teaches in Bromyard, Hereford, Ledbury, Ludlow, Malvern, stourport, Whitbourne, Worcester

Rates: £50 per 2hr session / Discount is £40 for 18yrs and under / £40 Art for enjoyment sessions

Make an enquiry Phone: 01886 821 530

Offering sessions on

Art for Skills for the Artist and Student-
sessions designed for you as an individual to discover and develop new skills in the art media of your choosing, build your portfolio, facing new challenges in art that are unique to you. Advancing step by step, leap by leap with a carefully designed, tailor made strategy.

Art for Empowerment -
sessions in which the main purpose is to discover and enjoy new means of emotional and self expression. Free wheeling and organic in direction. Exploring cultural, meditative art forms and creative activities of all kinds of kinds.

With an involved interest in colour, figurative art and painting techniques and methods, both traditional and modern,
Roland McMorran is an Art Tutor with credentials as well as experience.

He has these qualifications:
1st Class BA Hons. (Spec. Painting) (Canterbury CCU and Glasgow School Of Art)
MA equiv. Post Grad Dip. (Spec. Drawing) (The Prince’s Drawing School, London)

Teaching Experience:
3 years professional teaching experience, with children and adults.
He has been a Tutor for the Prince's Trust Drawing Clubs, London, at the Royal Academy of Arts and British Museum Clubs.

He also has experience working with vulnerable community groups,
people suffering dementia,
and has experience working with adults with severe learning and behavioural difficulties.

Tutoring Approach:
Our first meeting is free of charge, and is used to discuss your needs and stage in artistic development, so you can feel assured that when the sessions begin, we know each other, and you have a sense that I am the right tutor for your needs.

My specialism is in Oil painting, Soft Pastels and Drawing, which I can teach to a high level, aiming to nourish you as an individual artist, teaching a broad range of methods, encouraging you to find a personal approach to your art.

Printmaking and Sculpture I can teach to an introductory level, delivering for you the basic skills and methods that form the foundation of these media. Giving you a strong sense of whether you wish to proceed to a higher level of learning.

I teach both contemporary and traditional approaches to art.


Aimed at: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.
Online teaching offered


1st meeting is free of charge.
Prices are per 2hr session and for up to 2 students.
+ £10 per extra student beyond 2 overall
+£15 per extra hour

Make an enquiry Phone: 01886 821 530

Last login: 11 years 25 weeks ago

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