Samantha Rossi
Samantha was born in San Remo and raised in Imperia, both are cities in the region of Liguria known as the "Riviera dei Fiori" - the flower region. Imperia is one of the provinces of the region. Historically it was also capital of the part of the Liguria region once known as Intemelia. Born to an Italian father and an English mother Samantha has had constant exposure to both English and Italian whilst growing up, hence her competence and understanding of both languages.
At the age of 16, Samantha moved from Italy to London where she has lived ever since. It is rare to meet a native Italian speaker who when speaking English, leaves no trace of an Italian accent. "Most English people assume I was born and raised in London".
One-to-one lessons
Educational history
CELTA, Teaching Methodolgy 7407
Cancellations will be charged at the rate of the session if not cancelled 24 hours in advance.
Last login: 6 years 26 weeks ago
Summer Private Lessons!!!
From July till end of September I will be offering discounted home visits within Tower Hamlets.... £25 per hour. All materials will be provided.
If you wish to book private tuition, email me direct (address below) and we can work out the dates, location and price.
I am also happy to answer any and all questions you may have about the service I provide.
Address all queries to Samantha and please send to the following email address:
Ciao e grazie!!!
Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.