Sam Gurt Lush Choir Burns

singing teacher choir workshop leader

Based in
Bristol, United Kingdom
Sam Gurt Lush Choir Burns | singing teacher choir workshop leader

Rates: £33/hr

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Sorry, but I can't take any more private pupils at present. -Join one of the choirs instead! Nor do I check messages here, contact through the Gurt Lush Website please. Cheers.


The Gurt Lush Choir is a gurt big community choir made of 4 smaller choirs.
You don't need to read music, although we do use manuscript as a learning aid.
You don't need any previous experience of choirs, or singing, to join us.
You don't have to audition, & you won't be asked to sing on your own.
All members get a free Training CD with all the music recorded on it, so you can learn your part simply by singing along with the CD.
Also, as a new arrival, we'll put you with a more experienced singer so you don't feel 'lost'.
We sing songs from all over the world, in gurt lush multi-part harmonies.
-Hot gospel, Ancient Spirituals, East-European/African/Celtic & 'even' English folk songs, the odd classical number, Pop & Soul.....
No style or period is excluded, as long as the arrangement is good!

We rehearse every week in term time;-

Monday Nights. 7.30-9.30, St Werburghs Primary
Tuesday nights 7.30-9.30. in St Andrews.
(St Bartholomew Parish Hall, Sommerville Rd, St Andrews, BS6 5BZ)
Thursday Lunchtimes 12.30-2.30, in Redland.
(The Friends Meeting House, Hampton Rd, Redland, BS6 6JE)
Thursday Nights, 7.30-9.30, in Southville Primary School

If you join any one of the choirs, you can automatically pop in to the other choirs rehearsals at no extra cost, -which is handy if you have a complicated diary, or just fancy an extra night out!
Everyone gets 3 free taster sessions, for exact costs see website


Aimed at: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.

Last login: 10 years 40 weeks ago

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