Stephi Briggs
Stephi is a Professional Bellydancer based in Easton, Bristol. She runs weekly classes on Monday's fom 7-9pm in the Greenbank Pub, Bellevue Road, Easton, Bristol.
Stephi's weekly class focus on building a solid foundation with good technique and learning combinations & sequences of beautiful movements and choreographies to uplifting Arabic music. The emphasis is on maximum learning input but the atmosphere is always non-intimidating & lots of fun!!
This class is suitable for those who have some basic knowledge of the core moves of bellydance and for those who are looking to build on their skills and learn some beautiful layers, choreography and extend their vocabulary of moves. If you don't have any previous experience, please don't be put off, Stephi runs ad-hoc beginner sessions from time to time and can provide a 121 tuition to bring you up to speed.
To register your interest or find out more please contact Stephi on 07709433643 or email: [email protected].
Last login: 13 years 44 weeks ago
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