Steven Jones
During my 15 or so years working as a Graphic Designer, I've had to learn to use the tools of my trade the hard way, most commonly software names such as Adobe InDesign, Photoshop & Illustrator. I have a lot of time saving tricks and techniques that I have accumulated over the years, which in a real world environment of a Design Studio can be a life saver sometimes.
I would prove very beneficial to anyone out there who is trying to learn Photo/Design software, and also to anyone who might be struggling to learn via YouTube videos or training manuals, as some of these don't always communicate the knowledge in a way that is completely understandable.
I see myself more as a learning assistant than a teacher, to help you to learn what YOU want to learn. So I won't be trying to teach you anything that you don't want to know about, which a lot of teachers will tend to do. I believe a one to one training session would dramatically accelerate your learning process, as I can tailor the training specifically to your needs and requirements.
I will offer the first learning session for free, as I feel that people should know beforehand what they are going to get for their money, and not the other way around.
Last login: 10 years 30 weeks ago
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