Sussex Sculpture Studios Unit 20
Huffwood Estate
Huffwood Estate
Partridge Green, West Sussex
RH13 8AU
United Kingdom
[ Address incorrect? Let us know. ]
We have a large industrial unit dedicated to making sculpture and run a wide variety of courses for anyone interested in working in 3D. Please visit our website or contact us to arrange a studio visit. All abilities welcome. Come and join in.
Phone: 01403 710867
Capacity: most courses average around eight students
Rates: average of £20 per 3hour session plus material
Payment options: Cheque, bacs or cash, soon to have a credit card facility,
Facilities Available:
- Car parking
- Tea and coffee making facilities
- Within 10 minute walk of public transport
- Tuesday: PM
- Wednesday: AM, PM
- Thursday: AM, PM
- Saturday: AM, PM