Pippa Buchanan

I'm at the start of a DIY Masters degree. I'm hoping to explore representations of friendship networks using both academic and cultural practice.
As a result of my interest in self-organised study, the topic of Open and DIY Education is also becoming an ever-increasing part of my DIY Masters.
While I'm not opposed to formal and institutional learning styles I am interested in how autodidact and open-source learning approaches can be used to supplement and enhance pre-existing qualifications.
I really love learning new things. As part of my exploration of self-organised learning I wrote a list of 100 Things I Want To Learn. If you can help me learn more about any of the topics, I'd love to hear from you.
I'd also love to hear what you want to learn! Make a list!
Looking for: teachers, people to learn with, help and advice, networking, collaboration and interesting things.
Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.