Resources from Michael Tse

scrapbook iconDeveloping Chi Sau Part 1 - trailer

In May 2013 Master Tse organised a Chi Sau day as extra training for the many Wing Chun students in the Centre. His desire was to push their skill higher, and over the course he helped everyone
increase their experience and also gain from his vast experience as well.

Watch the trailer here, or visit the Tse Qigong Centre website for the full video.

Wing Chun Chi Sau

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Contact number:

0845 838 2285
Start date:
End date:

Ricards Lodge High School

Lake Road
SW19 7HB
United Kingdom

Traditional Wing Chun skill does not have any gradings and it is only through Chi Sau (Sticking Hands) that you can prove your Wing Chun skill is good. Chi Sau is the practical application of the techniques learned in the forms and will help you to deal with all kinds of situations. The more people we can touch hands with, the more our own Chi Sau skill can develop.

SUBJECTS: Chi Sau, kung fu, martial arts, self defence, Wing Chun

scrapbook iconAspects of Chi Sau

The Aspects of Chi Sau video series focuses on Master Tse teaching Chi Sau during the Wing Chun residential course in 2012. Chi Sau is an integral part of Wing Chun Kung Fu and allows people studying Wing Chun to practice techniques and their applications in a safe and relaxed environment. Master Tse says, "These techniques should become like your friend and be very familiar to you. We do this through Chi Sau (Sticking Hands training between two people.) In this way, when you do Chi Sau, you will not be frightened. Chi Sau also helps train your sensitivity and footwork. Without any one of these elements, then your Wing Chun skill will not be good."

scrapbook iconWing Chun Story - Chapter I

The Story of Wing Chun Kuen by Master Michael Tse.

Read the first introductory chapter of the story of Wing Chun Kuen by Master Michael Tse. First published in Qi Magazine, the story of Wing Chun Kuen details the legendary beginnings of this formidable Chinese Martial Art.

Subsequent chapters are available to view on the Tse Qigong Centre website.

Please note all content remains the copyright of Master Michael Tse and access is given for personal reference purposes only. No material, in full or part, may be retransmitted, reproduced or displayed publicly without the written permission of Master Michael Tse.

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