Alison Arcehelizaga

Healer & teacher

Based in
Wollongong, Australia
Also teaches in Australia, Central Wollongong, NSW
Alison Arcehelizaga | Healer & teacher

Make an enquiry

I am a Shaman, Reiki Master, Healer and Teacher and I am guided to bring community to our world in the form of circles and the meeting of like minds. With the aid of Spirit I am providing healing, teaching, massage and readings to help others find their own paths through life.

Group Classes

Tarot for Beginners

Want to learn more about the tarot, either as a complete beginner or just to refresh your reading skills, then this course is designed for you.

Over the next 10 weeks we will be looking at the roots of tarot and its influences through the years. Also we will take a deep look into the major and minor arcana, delving into the different meanings of each card on a very individual level.

Tarot holds many secrets and with this course we attempt to reveal them to you.

It's a: 
Shamanic Spirit
Wollongong, NSW, Australia
$40AUD per week or $350AUD if paid in advance

Intuitive Healer

This is an exciting course for healers to develop their intuitive and creative healing potential. It is a self-development course that will look at many different Shamanic, Intuitive and Psychic techniques used in many different healing practices around the world today. Together with the rest of your group, your confidence will grow and together we will celebrate your creative potential as a healer.

There are 6 days of training taking place over a 6 month period with homeplay and practical healing sessions on each day to integrate your healing and learning. The sessions will cover the following...

Session 1: In this session you will cover the basics of energy work and shamanic journeying. You will go on a journey to meet with your Power Animal in the Lower World and there you will learn about your animals message and medicine and begin the process of bonding with your Animals energies.

Session 2: In this session you will cover the building and holding of sacred space with practical exercises to explore this deeply. Also you will be looking at energetic blockages, learning how to see and remove them safely and looking at the concept of healing the self through mediation.

Session 3: In this session you will be journeying to meet your Spirit Guides in the Upper World, bringing back a deeper connection to them and calling upon them to aid you in healing. Also you will be creating and leading your own healing meditation.

Session 4: In this session you will be journeying to meet your Psychic Guide who will aid you in becoming aware of the energy or light body and the psychic information this will reveal to you. You will also be looking at the many ways that information in healing can be given and translated.

Session 5: In this session you will be considering different energy sources, looking at the elements and how they might be used in healing and meditating on the source of yourself and creation.

Session 6: In this our final session you will be looking at creativity through symbolism, sound and mantra, creating your very own mantra and symbol for healing.

You need to be aware that this course may take you to deeper levels of personal experience and healing than you have seen before. This course is not suitable for complete beginners to energy work as some of the techniques used are very intensive.

Please contact us to enquire about attending this course.

It's a: 
Shamanic Spirit
Wollongong, NSW, Australia

Violet Fire

Violet Fire is a deep connection through the 7th energy centre or chakra of the body - the Crown - and this connects you to the angelic energies and St Germain. It is an intense energy that enhances your psychic and spiritual vision and connections in all area of life.

The healing energy that the Violet Flame transmutes is very gentle and works on a very deep and spiritual level.

During this 1 day course you will learn about how to connect, transmute and work with the energies of the Violet Fire, learning to fully open you crown chakra to fully ascend to this next plain of healing.

It's a: 
Shamanic Spirit
Wollongong, NSW, Australia

Introduction to Crystal Healing

Crystals have been used both in spiritual rituals and as aids to physical healing throughout history and have slowly become more and more essential to us in our everyday lives. Nowadays, Crystal therapy uses crystals as conductors to focus energy via a person's thoughts to stimulate healing - both physical and non-physical.

This 1 day introductory course will lead you through the basics of healing with crystals, sensing and applying the energy of the crystal using both colour and correspondences to create a gentle healing technique, powerful in its simplicity.

It's a: 
Shamanic Spirit
Central Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Date and time: 
Sunday 7th Febuary 2010 @ 9.30am

Reiki 1 - Shoden

As a Reiki Master/Teacher, I use Mikao Usui’s system of Reiki, which is a very simple, yet powerful, ancient energy system designed to take you on a personal healing journey. Reiki is know as 'A system arrived at through a moment of enlightenment', when Usui experienced satori as he was searching for his ultimate purpose in life.

Shoden or first degree, is all about awakening the energy and flow of Reiki within you. looking at where Reiki came from, the history of Mikao Ushi and how Reiki has developed during the years.

We will learn how to connect to the energies of Reiki and how this will allow us to self-heal, using meditation techniques like ‘Hatsu Rei Ho’ and Reiju empowerments. Also we will look at how to use Reiki in treatments for others, involving hand positions and connection techniques.

This course will form the foundation of your practice with Reiki and start you on a personal journey that will change your life.

It's a: 
Shamanic Spirit
Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Date and time: 
Saturday 6th & 13th Febuary 2010 @ 10.30am

Reiki 2 - Okuden

As a Reiki Master/Teacher, I use Mikao Usui’s system of Reiki, which is a very simple, yet powerful, ancient energy system designed to take you on a personal healing journey. Reiki is know as 'A system arrived at through a moment of enlightenment', when Usui experienced satori as he was searching for his ultimate purpose in life.

Okuden or second degree, is all about distinguishing between the different frequencies of Reiki energy and learning how to work with these energies more intuitively.

This level is less interested in the structured way of giving treatments that you learnt in Shoden and leans more towards a free-form approach. It will cover Western Reiki symbols and also at Japanese methods and sounds.

This course will continue to strengthen your connection to the energies of Reiki as you continue on your journey that you started at first degree.

It's a: 
Shamanic Spirit
Wollongong, NSW, Australia

Reiki 3/Master - Shinpiden

As a Reiki Master/Teacher, I use Mikao Usui’s system of Reiki, which is a very simple, yet powerful, ancient energy system designed to take you on a personal healing journey. Reiki is know as 'A system arrived at through a moment of enlightenment', when Usui experienced satori as he was searching for his ultimate purpose in life.

Shinpiden or Master level, is all about getting a deeper understanding of Reiki both in using the energy itself, continuing on your own healing journey with Reiki and how to use the energy when doing healing work with others.

On the course you will learn the Kotodama (sacred sounds), the Master symbols and work with soul-level healing.

Also in this course you will learn how to give both the Western attunements and Japanese empowerments, whereby enabling you to connect others to the Reiki source.

It's a: 
Shamanic Spirit
Wollongong, NSW, Australia

Crystal Healing for Practicioners

Crystals have been used both in spiritual rituals and as aids to physical healing throughout history and have slowly become more and more essential to us in our everyday lives. Nowadays, Crystal therapy uses crystals as conductors to focus energy via a person's thoughts to stimulate healing - both physical and non-physical.

This 2 day practicioners course will lead you through all the techniques need to apply crystal healing to healing others. we will be covering associations, colour, using the energy centres (chakras) of the body, dowsing, layouts, working with your intuituion and journeying to connect with your inner crystal power. You will also be asked to do some case studies and a further half day one-to-one to gain your full qulification in Crystal healing.

This is a gentle healing practice which is powerful in its simplicity.

It's a: 
Shamanic Spirit
Wollongong, NSW, Australia

Reiki Drum Technique

This course combines both Reiki and Shamanic Drumming to create a powerful healing technique that uses both sound and hands on healing. We use the drum to introduce Reiki into the client's body, shifting blockages and rebalancing the energy field. The melding of these two systems means that the energy of the drum becomes gentle, protective and works for the highest good of the client just as in a normal Reiki treatment.

The use of sound through ancient tribal cultures is well known and still practiced in many parts of the world today and modern science now has research supporting the benefits of sound healing, especially through drumming affecting the brain activity to aid with illness, addictions, Altziemers, building self-esteem and healing emotional trauma.

This 2 day intensive is more than just a professional development course. Much of the practical work is rooted in shamanic practices so that during this course you will experience several journeys, working on your own self healing throughout. Many students find that they release blockages over the course of the weekend, and find it a profound experience of personal, spiritual development and deep healing.

Drum included in the course.

It's a: 
Shamanic Spirit
Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Date and time: 
Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st Febuary 2010 @ 9.30am
$380AUD (Drum Included)


Reiki Drum Healer & Teacher

The Reiki Drum Technique fuses together Reiki and medicine drumming creating an intuitive practice, which introduces healing energy into your energy field allowing blockages to shift and rebalancing you. When you bring together Shamanism and Reiki, the energy used during the drumming becomes gentle and more protective and works for your own highest good as with a normal Reiki treatment.

Reiki Drum Healing
Healing energy is introduced into your energy field by gentle drumming around and above the body, surrounding you with a wall of healing sound vibrations, helping to break through blockages and helping to rid you of tensions and stress. This is followed by an intuitive, hands on Reiki session to integrate the healing and leaving you feeling balanced and grounded.

This technique is popular in the United States but it is still very new to the UK and I am one of very few practitioners offering this service to clients in Croydon, SE London, Surrey and Kent.

Reiki Drum Mental & Emotional Reprogramming
During this healing session you will be an active part of the treatment and the drum will help to engage you on a consious level as well as working with the subconscious. Many people now believe that our thoughts and emotions play an very active part in the way we experience out lives and that by focusing on the positive you can alter your experience to one that is much more pleasant. So during this treatment we will look at areas that you find challenging and create a positive affirmation that will create a change for you. By using this affirmation during the treatment you will be resetting your beliefs on many different levels.

Reiki Drum Journey
A Reiki Drum Journey is similar in many ways to a Shamanic or trance journey, which is an ancient form of mediation and can be compared to a meditation assisted by sound. The drum beat is used to take you to an altered state of consciousness, allowing you to take a mentally visual journey into another realm. During this journey, answers can be sought for any problem that you may be facing in your life, ranging from career or relationship problems to grief or emotional trauma. The drum carries the client to receive the wisdom of Spirit and the higher self.

Feb 2009

Shamanic Spirit Healer & Teacher

The Shamanic tradition of healing and working with Spirit Guides is one of the oldest spiritual practices know and can be traced back at least 50,000 years.

Shamanism is not a religion but a connection to the Great Spirit, allowing us to regain old wisdom and reintegrate parts of our life force that we have lost touch with. This allows us to regain our natural power and connection to the earth and universe around us.

"Alison is competant and spiritually very powerful. It had a very profound effect on me" Mary, South London

The core practice is the journey to non-ordinary realities, the lower world, which is usually a very verdant Garden of Eden type of place, where we can meet our Power Animal allies and find guidance and practical help, the upper world is a place where we can meet our spirit guides and wise elders who often appear in human form and the middle world is the parallel non-ordinary reality to our earthly world.

Shamans all had their allies, their wise ones often appearing to them in the form of animals or human spirit guides. They had learnt to trust implicitly guidance from their allies, going on their journeys into the non-ordinary reality as little children, open to being taught and inspired by Great Spirit. Shamans were also the magic man/woman or the healer, driving out what were often seen as evil spirits, and journeying to retrieve lost soul parts, now know universally as soul retrieval.

This form of healing focuses on my connection to Spirit and my Shaman ways fused into a powerfully healing practice.

I use many shamanic tools including breath and sounds, meditations, extraction and retrival of your inner power and your soul, drum journeying to heal both this life and past lives and the removal by extraction medicine of unwanted energy or spirit blocks.

Working together with Spirit, My Spirit Guides and my Power Animals, I can help you release old emotional and mental blocks, stuck energies, tensions and stress on all levels - emotional, physical and spiritual.

Leaving you feeling tranquil and at peace.

“Thought I would let you know I had the best sleep in ages. Thank you” Ivy, Croydon

Oct 2007 - Nov 2008


Aromatherapy has been used for over 3,000 years for its healing, rejuvenating, relaxing and invigorating benefits on the mind, body and spirit. It is known that the sense of smell is the fastest route to the brain to create beneficial effects that will lift your mood and promote a sense of well being.

Aromatic oils are custom made for this luxurious, gentle massage that is applied in long and deep restorative movements to relax and rebalance you, resulting in new vitality, soothing away muscular aches and pains, helping to rebalance your body, whilst boosting your self-assurance and confidence.

"During a very bleak diet, I treated myself to a course of massages from Phoenix's Alison. From a shaky, weak and emotional dieter, Alison's magical hands transformed me into an upright, motivated person, and gave me the strength and healing to keep reaching for my goals. I felt the sessions balanced me mentally, as well as physically contributing to the speed of my metabolism and my general comfort in my new body. I lost four-and-a-half stone. Thank you, Alison, and well done!” Inbaal, North London

A topical therapy which focuses mainly on the quick relief of acute, short-term, and simple physical conditions and is relevant when regular treatments are not possible. Its success relies on the scientific use of pure natural essential oils.

(as seen on Sky TV)
Aromatherapy products are available from Phoenix Healing and all are individually created to enhance your lifestyle and give you the luxury and pampering you deserve.

Sep 2003 - Mar 2009

Reiki Master & Teacher

As a Reiki Master/Teacher, I use Ushi's system of Reiki, which is a very simple, yet powerful, ancient energy system designed to take you on a personal healing journey.

Reiki roughly translates as 'universal life force energy'. The word simply means everything we are and everything we can see, touch and experience and more besides.

After a lifetime studying Buddhism, Shintoism, Shugendo and many other Eastern practices Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki (1865 - 1926), developed a method of connecting with this energy. He taught his students how to use this energy to achieve personal enlightenment. Since then Reiki has developed into a very effective method of healing - on all levels.

"Thank you Alison for your treatments, I feel great. You make people feel better with your treatments and by just being yourself" Sharon, Crystal Palace

This gentle, hands on, ancient form of healing uses ki energy to bring your body into balance and create harmony on many different levels, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

During treatment you will be lying down on the treatment couch in a comfortable position, fully clothed, although you may wish to remove your shoes, belt or jewellery for added comfort during the treatment. I will ask you to close your eyes and relax. During the treatment my hands will be either gently touching or hovering just above your body. You may find yourself feeling some warmth or floating sensations, so just relax and enjoy the experience.

The Reiki Drum Technique fuses together Reiki and medicine drumming creating an intuitive practice, which introduces healing energy into your energy field allowing blockages to shift and rebalancing you. When you bring together Shamanism and Reiki, the energy used during the drumming becomes gentle and more protective and works for your own highest good as with a normal Reiki treatment.

"Alison, thanks for the Reiki Drum healing. It was my first try and it won't be my last. Very relaxing and it felt like it really cleared some deep stuff. I feel very refreshed... thanks :)"
Megan, Surrey

I am now offering Reiki courses for anyone who wishes to learn this wonderful system of self-healing and healing others.

“Thanks for being such a good teacher! I really enjoyed the day, it was great :)” Emma, Streatham

Sep 2003 - Mar 2009

Reflexologist & Foot Reader/Teacher

The art of reflexology dates back to Ancient Egypt, India and China, but it wasn’t until 1913 that Dr William Fitzgerald introduced this therapy to the West as ‘zone therapy’. Then in the 1930’s Eunice Ingham further developed this zone therapy into what is now known as reflexology. Through this she observed that congestion or tension in any part of the foot is mirrored in the corresponding part of the body.

This gentle, calming foot therapy encourages the body to work naturally to restore its own healthy balance. This therapy can be used to treat arthritis, rheumatism and general aches and pains, amongst many other problems leaving you feeling buoyant, relaxed and restoring the body's natural equilibrium.

“Just want to say a huge thanks - the reflexology session has worked so well I haven't coughed at all today and feel 100% better without the need for any pills! Worth every penny” Clare, Upper Norwood

This therapy is used by Reflexologists and Psychics to understand their clients from a more emotional level and is used as a deeply insightful therapy to reveal aspects of the personality, helping you to identify the issues in your life to help you move forwards.

Just try asking anybody “how do you feel about your feet” and you will get a variety of interesting answers. Nobody, it seems, feels neutral about their feet and for good reason - they reflect how we are feeling

Many are amazed at how detailed a foot reading can be!

"Thanks for the reading! -It's very interesting reading about yourself and it being so accurate!!" Emma, London

May 2003 - Mar 2009

Crystal Healer

Crystals have been used as aids to physical healing throughout history and have slowly become essential to us in our everyday lives.

Over many centuries crystals have become known for their capacity to store and amplify any power source fed into them i.e. physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.

Crystals are laid on the body during healing, held in the hands of the person being treated as a direct focus for them or they can be used topically on the area needing treatment. The colour of the crystal is also important as this will work with different areas of the body vibrations

Crystal therapy can be beneficial in treating both emotional and physical conditions and help to bring the body back into balance and harmony.

Jan 2000 - Dec 2010

Psychic Medium

As a Psychic Medium and Shaman, I am able to channel information from my Spirit Guides and Spirit using Clair-sentience (feeling), Clair-audience (hearing) and my psychic abilities to feel energies around me.

I have worked this way for many years offering readings to many seeking clarity of vision and a sense of direction in their lives, with great success.

"I was bogged down, stressed out when I came to see Alison. She has helped me regain my focus on the positive and see that there really is a great path ahead of me and encouraged me to take the bull by the horns and get on with it." Megan, Surrey

I work only in the positive way, with total integrity and always have your highest good as my ultimate aim is to give you as clear and honest a reading as possible.

When connecting to my Guides and Spirit I will sometimes use tools, these include Shamanic journeying, Tarot and Oracle cards, psychometry and aura reading, to allow me to get as much information as possible for you during the reading.

Be aware that when you come to me for a reading, I may cleanse both you and the space with sage, crystals or sound before we start.

Readings are available as one-to-one and over the phone (Payment by Paypal, cheque or bank transfer)

Entertainment purposes only

Jan 1989 - Mar 2009


Aimed at: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.
Online teaching offered


All courses are subject to a 20% non-refundable deposit, due on date of booking.

Last login: 14 years 42 weeks ago

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