Karen Taylor

Jewellery Making teacher

Based in
Stubbington, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Also teaches in Hampshire., Lee on the Solent
Karen Taylor | Jewellery Making teacher

Make an enquiry Phone: 07979597471

I have been designing and making jewellery for several years in Spain. I have returned to the UK to continue and expand my teaching skills in silversmithing, lampworking (glass bead making), beading and PMC/Silver Clay.

I have held a teaching diploma for the past 10 years and teach 1 to one or 2 to one courses from my home studio.


Aimed at: Beginner and Intermediate.


Courses need to be paid in full prior to commencement. A deposit of 50% to be paid on booking the course and the balance one week before. Payment can be made by cheque, credit/debit card using paypal or cash.

Make an enquiry Phone: 07979597471

Last login: 5 years 19 weeks ago

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