Wudang Foundation Tai Chi
This is an hour-long class with a stretch warm-up which focusses on Wudang basics, body-conditioning and partnerwork. No forms are taught in this class, and it’s designed to be able to be attended on a drop-in basis. Body conditioning exercises include stretching, practising in lower stances and extreme waist turning. Two-person exercises are used to help the student understand the main principles behind Tai Chi movements.
Wudang Qi Gong for Health
This hour-long class features a gentle warm-up, Wudang basics and exercises from the Wudang Five Element Qi Gong. Through simple movements, students learn how to let the breath move the body in a way that increases energy, mobility and mental stillness. This class is suitable for people of all health levels.
Wudang Tai Chi
This class features a thorough stretch warm-up and a prolonged exploration of Wudang basic skills as well as some form-work. We are currently studying the 36-step secret transmission Wudang Tai Chi, this form is rich and varied so each step is broken down into simple repeatable movements that allow students to obtain a decent understanding of each step. The Tuesday evening class is taught in a more traditional style with lots of repetition. Beginners are welcome.