Scott Meunier
I am a Canadian educator who specializes in visual media and working with at-risk youth. My interests and areas of expertise include literature, history, politics, illustration, and the martial art of Aikido.
Hit me up if you have a question you think I can answer, a job you think I can help with, or a conversation you think is interesting.
One-to-one lessons
Boyle Street Education Centre - Principal
I am the Principal of the Boyle Street Education Centre.
Boyle Street Educational Centre - English Teacher
Senior English Language Arts instructor, Boyle Street Educational Centre
Guru Digital Arts - Instructional Designer and Graphic tools instructor
Ongoing staff support for instructional design. Periodical instruction in basic graphics tools and soft skills prep.
Inner City High School
Living Sky School Division
Educational history
Bachelor of Education
Bachelor of Arts
I reserve the right to refuse services to anyone for any reason I see fit. Even in the event of refusal of services, I will expect to be paid for any and all services rendered.
Last login: 11 years 18 weeks ago
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