Steven Whitmore
The Alexander Technique provides a practical means for change by bringing about an improvement in balance and co-ordination.
Lessons, talks, and demonstrations in Leicester.
Tel 01455 891224
One-to-one lessons
Group Classes
FREE Alexander Technique Taster Sessions
The Alexander Technique is a practical method for helping you to exercise greater conscious control over the things you do by changing long-standing and unhelpful habits of thought and action.
Everyone can learn, and these free taster sessions — delivered by experienced local teachers — demonstrate how the process of constructive change starts.
All your activities benefit. Standing, sitting, walking. Mindfulness to performance. Balance.
Stop by. Ask questions. Request a 10-minute hands-on demo.
Professional Credentials
Steve is a member of the Professional Association of Alexander Teachers.
He has taught in private practice since 1997 and has worked with performers on degree courses at both the University of Birmingham and De Montfort University, and also with students from the Birmingham Medical School.
Last login: 6 years 5 weeks ago
Web links
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