Helen has helped our daughter for several months with her Numeracy work. She has come on leaps and bounds and has since moved up 2 groups in her numeracy work.
An excellent patient tutor who comes highly recommended.
Thank you may the work continue.
Mr & Mrs Gilbert
Resources for NUMERACY
Excellent Support
Quick Reads resources
Since the launch of the Quick Reads in 2006 The Reading Agency has developed materials to support practitioners using the books with readers. For 2010 there is a downloadable guide including ideas for group discussions, further reading, writing and online activities based on each of the ten new books. There is also a writing pack containing adaptable worksheets to use with all Quick Reads titles and other books. These free materials, mapped to Adult Literacy curricula, are available from www.readingagency.org.uk/quickreads
Stoke-on-Trent & North Staffordshire Open Learning & Physical Activity map
This volunteer-powered collaborative map is here so you can find out about any free or low-cost sociable and informal learning and physical activity opportunities.
We welcome submissions of real-life learning spaces in the North Staffrdshire area and virtual learning opportunities including health information and support.
Request for Advice on 11+ Tuition
I work as a tutor at GCSE and A-level, in maths and the sciences. The problem is what to do to pay the bills in the summer holidays.
I have thought about tutoring the ‘Kent Test’ (which is the 11+ here) through the summer. I have been given differing opinions on this: some say it is easy and I should go for it, others say that it is so unlike tutoring the 15-18 age group that a very different style is needed and parent’s expectations are much higher of the tutor relative to the student given the latter are only 10 years old.
Unlimited Resources
Every member of School of Everything can add notes, links, videos, images, documents and other things to the site that help people learn or teach a particular subject. If you're learning, you can use it to keep track of your progress in your subjects and all the things that help you learn like useful websites or how-to videos.
If you're teaching, you can share useful resources and advice that you think will help people learn you subjects. You can tag each resource post with one or more subjects, and your posts will appear to other people looking for those subjects.
Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.