Resources for philosophy

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    Christos Stamatiadis posted a link on 16 October 2011 - 11:48pm.

    School Website

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    Peter Gibson posted a link on 14 April 2009 - 11:40am.

    Modal logic

    note other links at the end of the article

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    Laurence Smith posted a link on 16 March 2009 - 2:50pm.

    Peter Bruegel

    Bruegel, Flemish painter from sixteenth century, painted about 60 pictures of mostly peasant life. Big colourful and lively pictures, but what are not so well known are his drawings and engravings.
    I have taken some of them and painted in the colour scheme that I imagine Bruegel might have chosen, in order to make them more accessable.
    His interests in his society were as wide ranging as Shakespeare's.

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    Dixie Lyons posted a link on 11 February 2023 - 7:03pm.

    Breaking the Chains of Mental Health: The Power of Therapy

    As human beings, we all face mental health struggles at some point in our lives. Whether it be stress, anxiety, or depression, these struggles can hold us back from reaching our full potential and enjoying life to its fullest. However, there is hope and a way to break free from these chains of mental health. That way is therapy.

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    Fiona Gray posted a link on 12 March 2012 - 9:35am.

    Personal growth and wellbeing blog

    A free resource for anyone who is interested in personal development, growth and wellbeing - a safe place to reflect on life's challenges and regain your strength. An honest look at what we go through in life, what it teaches us and how to live consciously and confidently.

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    Rob Archer at Bl... posted a link on 28 August 2010 - 3:19pm.

    Career Change Blog

    This is my blog.

    I write about career change and in particular the psychology of career change.

    It's a mix of free resources, articles and observations from my work helping people to get unstuck from career paralysis, and moving forward in a meaningful direction.

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    Rob Archer at Bl... posted a link on 12 April 2010 - 11:35am.

    Career Paralysis - 5 reasons why your brain struggles with career decision making (and how psychology can help)

    Why do so many people struggle to work out what career to choose?

    Occupational psychologist Rob Archer argues that it's because the brain isn't set up to make modern day career decisions.

    He sets out 5 ways in which we struggle - but then outlines how you can counter these cognitive biases and identify the career that's best for you.

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    Dr Gary Wood posted a link on 6 March 2010 - 12:41am.


    PsyCentral Blog with Psychologist, Coach, Author & Broadcaster Dr Gary Wood - offering a psychological perspective on human social life including current affairs; hug, gender & relationships plus learning, development and coaching insights and tips. . . the odd acerbic comment and the occasional rant.

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    Dr Gary Wood posted a link on 6 March 2010 - 12:41am.


    PsyCentral Blog with Psychologist, Coach, Author & Broadcaster Dr Gary Wood - offering a psychological perspective on human social life including current affairs; hug, gender & relationships plus learning, development and coaching insights and tips. . . the odd acerbic comment and the occasional rant.

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    Ceci Glusman posted a link on 18 November 2009 - 11:50am.

    Creativity Workshop

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    Andy Gibson posted a Blog entry on 1 April 2009 - 9:54am.

    G20 announces academic currency

    In an unexpected move, the G20 summit today proposed the introduction of a new currency based on academic qualifications.

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    [video]Paul Miller posted a video on 12 December 2008 - 4:49pm.
    See video

    Us Now

    The trailer for Us Now.

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    Hugo Rumens posted a note on 4 November 2008 - 4:41pm.

    US elections

    Today I've been trying to get my head around how the US election tonight works.

    Wikipedia is quite helpful:

    and I thought this slideshow was very good at explaining things:

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