Simon and Cher Robins

Tai Chi jedi master

Based in
Brighton, United Kingdom
Also teaches in Brighton, Hove, Lewes, Shoreham, Steyning, Upper Beeding, Worthing
Simon and Cher Robins | Tai Chi jedi master

Make an enquiry

The School of Tai Chi Chuan and Internal Arts is a large and friendly tai chi family based around Brighton and the South East. We offer tuition in traditional, authentic tai chi through weekly classes, weekend workshops and private tuition focusing on specific aspects of Asian internal arts (qigong, mindfulness and meditation), private tuition and corporate classes and events.

All of our instructors are registered and insured with the Tai Chi Union of Great Britain. Our own instructors course is a challenging and detailed course which aims for excellence in teaching as well as the skills studied.

As host of Master Sam Masich in the UK we also offer regular workshops with one of the most gifted Yang Style masters in the world and a generous and patient teacher.

Students of all levels are very welcome and receive tuition which is tailored to their learning styles, health needs and ambitions. Beginners courses are designed to offer a thorough grounding in the skills of good posture and movement, the foundations needed for fitting tai chi into your everyday life. Intermediates are invited to broaden their experiences to include the full Yang Style Curriculum (partnerwork, martial applications, pushing hands and weapons) as well as qigong, meditation and nei gung.

Group Classes

Master Sam Masich Yang Style Pushing Hands

This weekend with Master Sam Masich we continue our study of fixed and moving step pushing hands. Sam is world renowned as a wonderful and gifted teacher and Tai Chi player.

It's a: 
Middle Street Primary, Middle Street, Brighton, BN1 1AL
Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
Friday June 25th - Sunday June 27th 2010, fri 6.30pm - 9pm, Sat and Sun 10am - 5.30pm
£135 or £145 if booked after 3rd June

Tai Chi for Intermediates (Lewes)

Designed for continuing students this term we will be looking at the 2 person form or San Shou.

It's a: 
St Michael's Church House
High Street, Lewes, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
Thursday 15th July - Thursday 16th September 8pm - 9pm
£65 for 10 week term, £50 concessions with an NUS card or pension book

Tai Chi for Beginners (Lewes)

Learn the foundations of good posture and relaxation in 10 one hour long classes. We study warm ups, stretching and a short 20 move Yang Style solo form.

It's a: 
St Michael's Church House
High Street, Lewes, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
Thursday 15th July - Thursday 16th September 7pm - 8pm
£65 for 10 week term, £50 concessions with an NUS card or pension book

Lunchtime Drop in

Enjoy a relaxing lunch hour learning Tai Chi and Qigong for health and vitality. We are studying a 20 move Yang Style short form which can be easily practiced at home.

It's a: 
The Level, Brighton, by the kiosk on the paved area
, Brighton, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
Thursday 15th July - Thursday 16th September 1pm - 2pm
drop in at £6.50 per session

Tai Chi in Hove

These classes include warm-ups, stretching, a deeper knowledge of the short 20 move Yang style form and individual feedback on the mechanics of your individual body alignment. Beginners will focus their study on the solo hand form and intermediates the two person san shou form.

It's a: 
St Andrew's Old Church Hall
Church Road, Hove, BN3 3YT, Sussex, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
Wednesday 14th July - Wednesday 15th September 2010, beginners 7pm - 8pm, intermediates 8pm - 9pm
£65 for 10 weeks, £50 concessions

Tai Chi for Intermediates (Brighton)

Designed for continuing students who have completed the first course, these classes include warm-ups, stretching, and individual feedback on the mechanics of your individual body alignment. This term we are continue our study of the solo sword form.

It's a: 
The Hanover Community Centre
Southover Street, Brighton, Sussex, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
Monday 12th July - Monday 13th September 2010 8.20pm -9.20pm
£65 for 10 week term, £50 concessions with an NUS card or pension book

Tai Chi for Beginners (Brighton)

Learn the foundations of good posture and relaxation in 10 one hour classes. These classes include warm-ups, stretching, knowledge of a short 20 move Yang style form and individual feedback on your body alignment.

It's a: 
The Hanover Community Centre
Southover Street, Brighton, BN2 9UD, Sussex, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
Monday 12th July - Monday 13th September 2010 7.15pm - 8.15pm
£65 for 10 week term, £50 concessions with an NUS card or pension book


Simon Robins, Chief Instructor: Sam Masich Yang Style Full Curriculum Intensive in Mexico

This 3 month Intensive with Sam, covered the entire curriculum, all the way through without repeating any modules. Phew. It was fun, challenging and, indeed, intense. Toe read my blocg, visit:

Jan 2009 - Mar 2009

Educational history

Simon Robins' Training History 2002-present

January, 2002 - August, 2009
2002-present Meeting Sam Masich at Tai Chi Caledonia in 2007, I began studying with him and continue to do so. I completed his 3 month Full Yang Style Curriculum Intensive held in Mexico, 2009 (click here to read my blog). I have also completed a 1 month Intensive with him in Madrid, covering the 5 Section Tai Chi system. Other teachers whose workshops I have attended during this period have been: Grandmaster Yang Jun, Masters Mei Mei Teo, Faye Yip, Dan Li Jun, Wee Ki Jin and also Aarvo Tucker.

Simon's Training History 1992-9

January, 1992 - December, 1999
From 1992-4 I studied Yang Style with Michael Richmond and attended a workshop with John Ding. Michael is a giftd Qigong & Tai Chi teacher who is still a great friend. From 1994-9 I was lucky enough to study Cheng Man Ch'ing style Tai Chi with John Eastman, direct student of Professor Cheng. From 1996-9 I studied Yoga Privately with Susan Eastman; she has been studying yoga for over 30 years and teaches in Rottingdean. She is an incredible practitioner and a great teacher.

Simon's Training History 1991-2

August, 1991 - January, 1992
Whilst in Leeds, I studied with Alex Cox whose classes covered, Tai Chi, Yoga and Kung Fu.

Simon's Training History 1976-90

August, 1988 - January, 1990
1976-80 & 1988-89 Judo at V&E club in Cheshunt and then again at Leicester Poly (won Bronze with them at the National University Judo Competition) 1988-90 Aikido and a little Ju Jitsu at various Leicester, West Midlands and Bristol clubs


Aimed at: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.


Please see our website for full details

Last login: 3 years 49 weeks ago

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