Information, advice and support for carers.
Resources from weastoke
North Staffordshire Allotments Network
Information about allotments in North Staffordshire.
NHS advice and support on a wide range of conditions and other medical matters.
NHS advice & support on effects of alcohol and cutting down on drinking.
Healthy Start
Free vouchers which can be swapped for milk, fruit and vegetables. Also free vitamins available.
Exercise basics
Training tips from
Video: 10,000 Steps to Health
Walking 10,000 steps a day can improve your health, build stamina and burn excess calories. It's easier than you might think. From
Reading food labels
A useful guide to help you understand food labels from
Enjoy Stoke's green spaces
A collection of photos of Stoke's green spaces from our forthcoming Learning for Health book
WEA Stoke on Twitter
All our news and things we find useful on Twitter.
WEA Stoke on Facebook
Updates and resources on anything we find useful, direct to your Facebook news feed
Stoke-on-Trent & North Staffordshire Open Learning & Physical Activity map
This volunteer-powered collaborative map is here so you can find out about any free or low-cost sociable and informal learning and physical activity opportunities.
We welcome submissions of real-life learning spaces in the North Staffrdshire area and virtual learning opportunities including health information and support.
About the author
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