Resources for nutrition

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    Workers' Educati... posted a link on 1 June 2010 - 1:24pm.

    Reading food labels

    A useful guide to help you understand food labels from

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    Audrey Miller posted a note on 8 May 2010 - 12:47pm.

    Home Grown health

    Birmingham City University invited me to be an exhibitor at one of its recent events. I had a really enjoyable evening. Orgainsed by BCU MA students who are taking a course in Events and Exhibition Management itwas good opportunity to meet other SOE tutors and would be students. I look forward to taking part in other similar events.

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    Workers' Educati... posted a link on 21 April 2010 - 3:18pm.

    Stoke-on-Trent & North Staffordshire Open Learning & Physical Activity map

    This volunteer-powered collaborative map is here so you can find out about any free or low-cost sociable and informal learning and physical activity opportunities.
    We welcome submissions of real-life learning spaces in the North Staffrdshire area and virtual learning opportunities including health information and support.

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    [video] posted a video on 19 April 2010 - 3:40pm.
    See video

    Lishi Clips

    A taste of some of what you might do in a Lishi class (probably not at your first class :-) )

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    Christopher Bonfield posted a Document on 16 April 2010 - 12:12pm.

    Bibliography for Medical History

    This is a very extensive bibliography, which is given to students at UEA. It is divided into two parts, the first providing general background reading.

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    Colon Cleanse posted a link on 22 March 2010 - 8:46am.

    Colon Cleanse

    Colon Cleanse

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    G Swami Shree Yo... posted a link on 22 February 2010 - 11:10pm.

    Official Website

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    [video]Anne Jones posted a video on 15 January 2010 - 4:26pm.
    Christine Bowers posted a link on 14 January 2010 - 6:56am.

    How To Get Rid Of A Yeast Infection

    My own friend that loves this community convinced me to join!
    and I have to admit, I am into this! I like to teach people How to Get Rid of a Yeast Infection

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    [video]Lee Steggles posted a video on 22 October 2009 - 1:49pm.
    Dougald Hine posted a link on 3 March 2009 - 6:08pm.

    How to eat better

    This is a digest (if you'll pardon the pun) of information on the gap between the typical modern Western diet and what our bodies are adapted for. There's certainly a big gap between what I eat and Ran Prieur's recommendations, but there's a lot of food for thought here.

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    vicki Raven posted a link on 23 February 2009 - 7:42pm.

    therapy centre

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    Audrey Miller posted a note on 3 February 2009 - 3:39pm.

    Grow your own Food

    Audrey's "Grow Your Own" Blog

    At the risk of sounding smug I am keeping to my New Year resolution to reduce my carbon foot print by eating more food that I grow myself. Despite those sub zero temperatures earlier in January I have with just water, warmth, air and a few jars above the kitchen radiator managed to get a very good crop of sprouting mung, aduki, alfalfa, chick peas and green lentil seeds.

    Adding them to soups, stir fries and salads has proved a really fun way to get at least one of my 'five a day' of very fresh veg.

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    Claire Medcalf posted a link on 22 January 2009 - 10:51am.

    Yummy Yummy - Cooking Classes

    Masterclasses at The Kitchen:

    Knife Skills:

    * Monday 16th February, 7pm - FULL
    * Monday 16th March, 7pm

    The most important element of creating any meal is basic knife skills. The Japanese Knife Company will teach you how to keep your knives razor sharp and learn how to slice and dice like a Michelin Star Chef. You will then create a delicious meal with your new found skills - £55


    * Monday 26th January, 7pm

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    m m posted a note on 8 January 2009 - 12:23pm.

    Any interest in joining a Stoke Newington/North London food co-operative? (credit crunch times!)

    Hi all,

    Would anyone be interested in getting together a
    group of people to place organic wholesale food
    orders? Many wholesalers will accept a minimum
    order of £400 or so placed by a private group and
    you can get huge savings on pantry items such as
    tinned tomatoes, beans, pasta, oils, grains,
    spices, wine, ecological cleaning products....

    Please email me if you're interested!


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    Stowe Boyd posted a note on 29 November 2008 - 6:18pm.

    Cheesemaking Course

    Says its from, but I can't find it there.

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