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Resources for Other
G20 announces academic currency
In an unexpected move, the G20 summit today proposed the introduction of a new currency based on academic qualifications.
Michael Wesch and the Future of Education"The Explainer" (TM Wired Magazine) turns his attention to social media tools for education and media literacy. Interesting show-of-hands survey of a class: "How many of you like coming to school?" - c. 50% And my two favourite quotes: * "Being human is all about learning, it's the hallmark of humanity." Couldn't have put it better myself. |
Mastering Everything
Our friend Pippa has decamped to Berlin and is doing some very interesting things with DIY education. She's started her own "DIY Masters" programme to learn everything she wants on her own terms and give her studies the same status and support as a formal masters degree.
MARCH IS GREEN: Josef Davies-Coates Recommends:
Josef Davies-Coates, founder of United Diversity has kindly let us know his top places to learn green skills.
There are lots of good courses being run at 3 of my favourite places: (many, including the one I'm doing now run
Been told they do really great stuff at:
In London there is:
Graham Burnett does lots of courses too:
What’s your super power?
Another great article from Seth Godin who talks about how we should all have a super power, particularly in business. The example he gives is the Wasp
“I’m the Wasp. I have the ability to shrink to a height of several centimeters, fly by means of insectoid wings and fire energy blasts.”
Some fancy marketers might call this a positioning statement or a unique selling proposition. Of course, it’s not that. It’s just her super power.
MARCH IS GREEN: One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato, More!
One in three children do not know what chips are made from! This is more than a little worrying to me.
New investment for School of Everything!
We're very pleased to announce a new round of investment for School of Everything.
Tim Jackson, founder of and LendAround, has become an investor and joined the board of the company. Channel 4 has followed up its initial investment through its new innovation fund 4iP and Sean Park and Geoff Mulgan join existing investors Rocco Pellegrinelli and the Young Foundation in this round.
We're very excited because it means we'll be able to continue to grow School of Everything both in the UK and internationally, helping more people find new things to learn near them.
How to eat better
This is a digest (if you'll pardon the pun) of information on the gap between the typical modern Western diet and what our bodies are adapted for. There's certainly a big gap between what I eat and Ran Prieur's recommendations, but there's a lot of food for thought here.
Stop reading your damn email !
I was into email about a decade ago. These days I prefer to avoid communication forms that demand my attention. I can definitely recommend ending an email (and twitter) (and RSS) addiction.
I wish I had learned to touch type.
Keyboard skills are so valueable now.
I think it is time touch typing was considered to be an essential learning skill and included on the National Curriculum for primary schools.
Another essential learning skill that should be taught is how to ask questions. That sounds daft, I know , but children are not given sufficient opportunities to ask questions.
Research continues to show that the avereage number of questions asked in a school year per pupil is one a month! I the only (usually) intelligent person left in the world who watches it?
I watch hours of telly each day. But I was once told that I'm allowed to watch anything I like as I'm productive at the same time.
Just to explain...I'm a knitter. It's what I do for a living. But once the pattern writing bit is done, there are hours of repetitive knitting, during which I need to be kept entertained and awake.
I know lots of knitters who listen to the radio, but I need something to look at - I'm one of those annoying knitters who can watch subtitled films whilst knitting (sorry!)
How To Write A Love Letter
All our love
Team Everything x
We are recruiting freelance artists (Sheffield)
We are recruiting CRB checked freelance artists
We are recruiting CRB checked freelance artists who can deliver workshops for after school clubs around Sheffield (starting Feb/March 2009) Please send CVs and details to [email protected]
Good rates of pay.
New 2009 brochure available
I know that it is only just past Christmas, but thought that you would want to be the first to know that our latest 2009 information brochure is available.
A "must have" for any serious business student or corporate training manager.
email - [email protected] - today & we will be delighted to send you a copy
Happy New Year!
Kissy Kissy
How does your Mistletoe grow?
Mistletoe is a bit weird but kissing under it is quite nice. Learn about mistletoe myths and growing tips here. If you’re more interested in the kissing and would like some lessons in love, say hello to our (very) friendly Flirting Teacher Kitty Stryker.
Write Christmas
Christmas Letter Tips
It’s time to put pen to paper (or touch up your typing skills) and inform friends and family what the heck you’ve been up to in the last year. If it’s been a while since you’ve composed anything longer than 140 characters, here are some helpful hints.
Unlimited Resources
Every member of School of Everything can add notes, links, videos, images, documents and other things to the site that help people learn or teach a particular subject. If you're learning, you can use it to keep track of your progress in your subjects and all the things that help you learn like useful websites or how-to videos.
If you're teaching, you can share useful resources and advice that you think will help people learn you subjects. You can tag each resource post with one or more subjects, and your posts will appear to other people looking for those subjects.
Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.