Learn chi kung near Earth

chi kung
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People teaching chi kung

Stephen Dyde

Martial Arts & Fitness instructor

Des Lawton

Tai Chi Chuan & Chi Kung teacher

Monica Baron

martial arts & kung fu... teacher

Marcelo Vidaurre Archanjo

Kung Fu & Tai Chi Chuan teacher

Rochelle Wilson

T'ai Chi and Chi Kung teacher

Ralph Rogers

Lishi Daoist Tai chi teacher

Faeeza Keshavjee

Tai Chi for health and... teacher

Richard Farmer

Tai Chi Movement &... workshop leader

Blue Marsden

Chi Kung - (Qigong or... teacher

Neil Rankine

All Levels - Tai Chi &... instructor

Giles Milner

Iron Ox Praying Mantis... teacher

James Connachan

Wutan Tai Chi Chuan instructor

Mike Tabrett

T'ai Chi Chuan & Chi Kung teacher

Nicola Laoshi

Tai Chi Qigong instructor

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Stay safe

School of Everything is all about meeting up in the real world. Here are some tips on how to arrange your learning and teaching safely.

Image(s) by : Mark So