Learn energy near Brighton

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People teaching energy

Blue Marsden

Chi Kung - (Qigong or... teacher

Colin Welch

social media networking organiser

mohsen fatoorechi

Maths and Physics student who teaches

Maria Cooper

foundation level music teacher

Ankhara Lloyd- Hunte

Coach and Energy Healer consultant

Malachy O'Connor

Chinese Martial Arts... teacher

Helena Ivins

Tai Chi and Qi Gong teacher

Benedict Steele

Digital and Social Media adviser

Dil Green

Architecture - design... practitioner

James Woudhuysen

Innovation management expert

Mary-Clare Walsh

Tai Chi Beginners... teacher

Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.

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Stay safe

School of Everything is all about meeting up in the real world. Here are some tips on how to arrange your learning and teaching safely.